RuPaul’s Drag Con said a big British ‘Hello, Hello, Hello’ for the 2023 event at the Excel exhibition center in London. With over 150 queens across multiple franchises, it was a fan’s heaven, expanding across three days there were performances plenty. As it’s January and the first month of the year, of course there was only one question I wanted to ask all the Drag Race stars I met last weekend! “What new resolution or goal do you have for 2023?” There were inspirational answers, realistic goals, and resolutions that can be attempted to *try* and be kept.
Arantxa Castilla La Mancha and Hugáceo Crujiente (Drag Race Espana Season One)
Hugáceo Crujiente: For me, 2023 is to survive just like I did in 2022.
Arantxa Castilla La Mancha: Okay for me, my resolution for this year is to take more decisions and think about myself. Instead of thinking about other people’s thoughts, I’m going to focus on what I’m doing. We’d also like to see more of the UK, a tour would be great!
Danny Beard (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season Four)
The thing is I don’t do resolutions, as I feel like we live in a time when we beat ourselves up far too much to achieve things. I think it’s nice to have like goals but I just think resolutions are another way of being arseholes to ourselves. I’ve got goals that I’d like to achieve and I’ve got things I’d like to achieve in my career but I always think I keep them personal to me and then if it happens it happens. I manifested getting on Drag Race and then winning Drag Race. So I’m trying to manifest some more things, I think we just have too much going on for everyone. We can’t afford to heat our homes, we don’t need to beat ourselves up about putting on pounds over Christmas and losing them in the new year.
This weekend has been brilliant and overwhelming. The first one I attended as a talent and this time as a Drag Race queen. It’s been nuts, I’ve just finished three days and just taking it all in and decompressing it. I really enjoy entertaining people, it’s felt like a show I’ve been going out and entertaining the crowd in the line with a speaker just like you just saw (laughs.) I just find talking to people comes easy to me. Oh god, I sound like such a big-headed c**t (laughing) I did always want this and so living it has just been the best.
Charity Kase (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season Three)

I do have a few goals for 2023, one of them is creating a gym routine, I plan on swimming. It’s a plan that I haven’t stuck to yet (laughs) there’s still time though the new year is fresh. There’s something inside of me that is dying to do that. I do want to quit smoking as if I want to swim I need to quit. Maybe in moderation, I can have Saturdays as a treat day (laughs)
Cheryl Hole (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season one)

Well, as much as people want me to get rid of being mediocre I’m going to keep going and excelling (laughs.) Because I’m just going to exceed everyone’s expectations this year, this year I’m going to push even harder because I’ve been so lucky to have this ride of my life. I want to ride an even bigger rollercoaster so I’m just going to say that my ultimate dream is I really want to go to Brazil this year. They love the divas and maybe go to Antarctica and be the first drag queen to perform as why not (laughs.) Also, I really should stop eating shit that’s the real one (laughs)
Choriza May (Rupaul’s Drag Race UK Season Three)

Do you know what it is, I was the biggest person who loved new years resolutions and always made them. But my life has gotten so crazy, that I just don’t even know what to ask for anymore (laughs.) I don’t even what to aim for (laughing.) What I will say is when you realize that anything is in your hands and all your dreams can come true if you work hard. Especially if you’re in the right place at the right moment, did I expect to get on drag race, did I expect to be here meeting so many people, anything is possible. So I’m just going to let myself go, and keep working hard and see where it takes me. Whatever happens, I’m going to choose to be fabulous too! (laughs)
This weekend has just been incredible, I love meeting people and love meet and greets. Of course, on tour, we do meet and greet a lot, but this is another level its almost like a zoo (laughing) Now it’s the end of three days it actually is beginning to smell like a zoon amongst the queens (laughs)
Deja Skye (Rupauls Drag Race Season 14)

My God, I think the main thing is to make sure that my social media presence is known. As us older season queens, we’re not relevant anymore (laughs) But honestly I think my resolution is just like making sure I get my YouTube content out and on TikTok. I love doing stuff like that.
I also like club games and stuff everyone wants them, but the problem is there’s like a handful and unfortunately, I take them all (laughs)
Le Fil (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season Four)

Oooh, good question, to be bigger I just want more. I just want to do more with my music too, I’m currently writing my album Le Philisopcail at the moment. After drag race I did a new track during that. The goal is to be a big pop star, like literally when did you last see a Chinese pop star on your TV screens? (laughs) I really love Rina Sawayama she’s like one of the stars, the big penchant of pop (laughs)
Pixie Polite (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season Four)

My new year’s resolution is to care less about what people think about me, and I think my goal for this year is to be even more stunning and talented than before. (laughs) My advice is to ignore the trolls as they’re insecure and sad in themselves. It is just a TV show but you know people take Drag Race seriously they care about the show. It’s like our Super Bowl (laughs) it’s our World Cup. Then we’ll have global all-stars and seasons, so then everyone will be fighting each other. (laughing)
Rock M. Sakura (RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 12)

Well, this year I’m finally hoping that I can finish the album that I’ve been working on for three years. Obviously, you’re thinking really what with that voice right now (laughing) I actually lost my voice because everyone here in the UK is 30 inches I’ve been busy (laughs.) I’ve been talking nonsense a lot I’m hoping this year maybe I can tone down my jokes, I try hard. But I would love to tour the UK, I love coming back to the UK as my favorite part is your guy’s toilets can’t flush anything at all. I just don’t understand I can’t take a huge grant in the toilet as the holding doesn’t work for me (laughing)
Kirsty “Well what I don’t understand is when in America why do your toilet doors have a huge gap so people can view you?“
Rock M (laughing) Oh my god you know what you’re so right, it’s voyeurism. We just love to show off, we love to make sure you’re okay are you okay, (British accent) are you okay babes? We love voyeurism.
Sminty Drop (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season Four)
It’s definitely to get on a magazine cover. I need to be on the cover of a fashion magazine (laughs). I mean if someone walked over to the booth to take a picture like right now I’d be ready for the front cover. They’re missing out if they dont come and snap me up (Laughs)

Sister Sister (RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season Two)

God no I don’t believe in them, as you stick to the old ones I’m gonna be a lazy piece of shit (laughing) So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna take up smoking and then quit so then I’ll feel like I accomplished something (laughs.) But one thing is I have felt gratitude this weekend. It’s my first DragCon and I have been so overwhelmed by just the outpouring of love and gratitude that you get from the fans.
I think sometimes it’s easy to forget that we did a TV show and it was so long ago. We affected people’s lives and they come in here to tell you how you’ve helped them. I saw online that we were recently voted third in like a top Drag Race season poll. I think it worked as it was such a contrast to what was going on in the world at the time (2020.) I mean I can’t watch it back because of well…trauma (laughs)
Vivian Vanderpuss (Canada’s Drag Race Season 3)

Oh my God, this next year I am going to pet more cats and I am going to drink more hot water.
Kirsty: Hot water? Like with lemon to detox?
Vivian (laughing) Nope just straight-up hot water, I’m hardcore, is it good for you? I don’t know, I feel exercise is such a predictable answer it’s so basic. (laughing) I’ll say I’ll aim to just move my body all the time. But my reality is I am just going to sit, pet cats, and drink hot water….that’s my idea of a good time. It’s fabulous (laughs) Oh maybe give me a teabag that’s very British (laughs.)This is my first time here ever, I’ve been here since Wednesday. I love it here, I was expecting garbage weather, I came here and it’s more beautiful than in Victoria I was like what is happening? People were like it’s going to be the worst weather over there it’s so gross.
Kirsty ” Well, it is quite mild for this time of year, oh god this is so British talking about the weather!”
Vivian “We hate talking about the topic, but let’s talk about it some more (laughs) I would literally love to tour over here, Talk to promoters and get me over here (laughing) We can make it happen lets put our tiny hands and fingers to manifest.”
So that’s the first Dragcon (and my first) of 2023 wrapped up! Do you have any new year’s resolutions or goals for this year? Let us know in the comments below.
RUPAUL’S DRAGCON UK took place at ExCeL London in January 2023. Tickets are on sale for RUPAUL’S DRAGCON LA now at
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