Spencer Williams: Hi Chiffon! It’s been a long while. Of course, we are always connected through our passion for crime-related video games so it only makes sense that we get into the reveal of Grand Theft Auto 6!
Chiffon Dior: Wait….Grand Theft Auto 6? I thought we were here to talk about Red Dead Redemption 3??
Well, by the looks of those fabulous Florida-like everglades, and the overwhelming amount of Alligators, you aren’t too far off! First thoughts on the trailer, what do you think of the location… the fictional state of Leonida which contains Vice City?
I thought it looked amazing! You forgot how big a jump it’s been technologically since GTA 5 launched on the Playstation 3! Also, I’ve never seen a trailer that said “tell me everyone is on coke without telling me everyone was on coke” before.
I have to agree, the trailer was visually stunning. Unfortunately for Rockstar, I think it really set a high bar, so now we’ve got to see if the actual game meets the moment. Also, I am in love with the idea of this game taking place in this state reminiscent of Florida… how terrifying! I have really been wanting to live out my Scarface fantasy so perhaps this is my chance.
It’s so easy to get the two of you confused. So I guess this means you’re happy to return to Vice City for the first time since GTA 4?
I am! I mean, Vice City was so long ago. Returning to Vice City now is exciting, as I no longer need to sneak into the tv room and play while my parents are out of the house. Hello Vice City strip clubs!
So let’s talk about the thing that is probably already fueling incel rage, a female lead character!
Could you imagine… a female lead character in Grand Theft Auto! Honestly I love this. I’m already a Lucia super fan.
Want to hear my totally made up rumor about her??
Oh boy…
She’s the great granddaughter of Jack Marston! If you remember how he looked in the epilogue of Red Dead Redemption, I think he looked a LOT more like he’s the son of Javier than John. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
Wow, that really is a wild theory. I love the idea of GTA and Red Dead existing within the same multiverse. But Lucia looks great, I’m excited for Rockstar to open itself up to a more diverse point of view in the storytelling.
Do you think there are going to be multiple playable characters again like GTA 5? Also, her boyfriend is going to turn out to be a creep right?
Her boyfriend is definitely the villain of this whole thing. He is not fooling me! I don’t know about the multiple characters. I’m not sure it’s totally necessary but either way I’m down with it. Again, I would like to live my own Scarface fantasy and would love to create a character that looks like me, but I am very satisfied with Lucia leading the way.
What are you most excited for? I’m already itching to drive that fan boat through the swamps!
Oh, I am so with you. I love a swampy environment. I think really I am just very excited to explore this new world. From the city to the swamps, you can tell that there is just going to be so much detail. But let’s be real, there is going to be much deviance to be had, and I am looking forward to all of the shameful activities I am going to partake in.
You mean like the obscene amount of burgers you have eaten in a single sitting?
That’s Vice City baby!!! Speaking of obscene, there was an obscene amount of twerking in the trailer. I’m grateful.
There definitely seems to be multiple incarnations of “Florida Man”, or in this case, “Leonida Man”?
Yeah it feels like a horror game if we are being honest
How do you think what looks like Tik Tok videos will factor into the game play?
Unfortunately a lot! GTA looks like it is representing more of the modern day consumer! Which, funny enough, is way different than the GTA V audience. But I am sure it’ll be done in a hilarious, satirical way. Let’s just hope we keep the flying motorcycles in the past… please!
What is your biggest worry? I think mine is that the single player story will take a backseat to whatever online version of GTA 6 they release since the last one raked in serious bank for Rockstar Games.
Hmmm… honestly I don’t think I really have a serious worry at this point. I thought what Rockstar did with GTA V was as close to perfection as possible. If Rockstar manages to exceed what they did with the fifth game, in all departments, then I’m already happy. However, they could screw it all up with a trash soundtrack… Rockstar, you’ve got big shoes to fill when curating that soundtrack. Also… don’t go too campy like a certain gang type video game that Chiffon and I shamefully play….
Alexa….play “Gangsta Bitch” by Apache. I am not ashamed of my love for Saints Row, even if the last edition underwhelmed..
Soundtracks have not been the same since the Apache track… the bar was set high!
So the biggest question left for me is, what are you going to do to protect yourself until 2025 when this game is being released? I am thinking of bubble wrapping myself until then.
I was already shopping for a sarcophagus in the spirit of waiting for the next Elder Scrolls games and Avengers movies… so I think I’m set. I also think I might pick up my old copy of GTA: Vice City.
Okay my last question, which drag queen could you see fitting in best to Vice City?
Ooooooffff, good question. Well it’s gotta be Jinkx Monsoon right…? Strong Tony Montana vibes there! Say hello to my little friend!
My first thought was Miss Vanjie but I could also see Kameron Michaels wrestling a gator with all her muscles.
I feel badly for the gator.
Well Spencer I think we’ve hit all the key points. It was good to talk with you again, especially since I didn’t have to hear you go on and on about Carol from The Walking Dead.
Speaking of! Okay fine I’ll save it. Always lovely to speak with you Chiffon, looking forward to pillaging Vice City by your side.
Let me guess, you have dibs on Lucia?
Okay kids, we’re signing off to go wait patiently for the next year plus. In the meantime, let us know what you think about the Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer in the comments below!