The queens returned to the workroom following the elimination of Xunami Muse. Morphine Love Dion struggled with having to send home her best friend. Even Plane Jane was emotional over her departure. She did take time to celebrate her Snatch Game victory and Sapphira Cristal shared that she was a little upset that she didn’t take home the win. Mhi’ya Iman LePaige agreed that she should have won over Plane.
It was a new day in the workroom and it was time for the mini-challenge. RuPaul shared that they would be doing spittakes. The queens were to get into comedy drag for the challenge. Nymphia Wind dressed up as an old lady for some reason, and I loved it. She won!
Ru then shared that the queens would be creating neo-goth looks for the runway this week. Mhi’ya was ready to leave after discovering there would be yet another design challenge. Dawn, on the other hand, was excited.
The queens began crafting their garments. Nymphia was sad because she couldn’t do yellow this week since the color pallet was black, white, and gray. Plasma was struggling a bit while putting her outfit together. Dawn was worried about her. She was in her own head. She wanted to do something outside of her typical wheelhouse. Q filled Plane in that Plasma’s look was similar to hers. She had no idea what she was doing!
Plasma was not in a good space. Sapphira was there to comfort her because she is an angel on Earth, duh. She also helped Mhi’ya with her look after she was visibly suffering. The rest of the queens seemed upset that Sapphira did the majority of the work on her gown.
As the queens got into drag, Plasma opened up about how she had never been in a real relationship. She grew up in rural Texas and the environment was unsafe. Plus, there were no other out queer kids when she was in high school. Morphine also shared that out of drag, she identifies as non-binary!
On the main stage, the queens were judged by Ru, Michelle Visage, style superstar Carson Kressley, and Kaia Gerber. Some of the queens put together great looks! My favorites were Dawn, Morphine, Nymphia, and Q.
This week, every queen was to be critiqued. Michelle called out Mhi’ya for wearing a gown that looked that nice when she didn’t know how to sew. She eventually had to share that Sapphira practically crafted her whole gown. It was clear that there were more tops than bottoms this week. However, Plasma, Mhi’ya, and even Plane Jane got the most negative critiques while Dawn, Sapphira, Nymphia, and Q got high praise.
Q would snag her second win while Plasma and Mhi’ya fell in the bottom two. They faced off to a TikTok remix of Blood Mary by Lady Gaga. Mhi’ya had a Sasha Velour moment, releasing petals from her wig. Her wig reveal did leave her with just her wig cap on, prompting Plane to say she had never seen a wig reveal into a beanie before. Mhi’ya brought the moves and although she had the better track record all season, Plasma was sent home.
This was a shocking elimination! I will certainly miss seeing Plasma, but Mhi’ya is one incredible performer. What were your thoughts on the episode? Let us know in the comments below!