Following a stunning turn on RuPaul’s Drag Race Global All Stars (where she made Top Four), Kitty Scott Claus has simply not stopped. Whether announcing a DragCon UK performance with her Global All Stars sisters or touring with a gaggle of international glamazons, Scott Claus is keeping her eye firmly planted on the future, while giving fans a giggle the entire way. I sat down with the newly coined “Farrah Fawcett of Drag” (by yours truly) to dish about the inaugural season of Global All Stars, what it was like representing the UK, and what advice a Drag Race UK sister gave her that she utilized on Global All Stars!
MC: If peple did not get to fall in love with you on your season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, they most certainly did get to on RuPaul’s Drag Race Global All Stars!
Kitty Scott Claus: Thank you so much! Honestly, what a ride, what a ride. What a thrill and what an honor to represent UK drag!
MC: what did it feel like when they reached out to you knowing you would be the one representing the UK on this inaugural season of Global All Stars?
KSC: Correct (laughs)! It just felt incredible. The standard is so high and Drag Race UK, even though it has not been around for as long as Drag Race in the US obviously, it is such a fan favorite and such a beloved show in the UK scene. To represent all of us, not just the Ru girls from the UK but drag from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, all encompassing four countries, it was just the biggest honor.
MC: When you saw your full Global All Stars cast assemble, how did it feel to be competing against people that were not just strong competitors on their own, but performers that you yourself might have admired.
KSC: Oh my god, so wild. I remember seeing Pythia and remember thinking that I loved her on her season and how I just admired her so much and everything she brought. I was thinking “Great I have to now go against that, bloody hell”! Drag Race always feels like you’re stepping into the tv, but this time It really felt like that.
This time was someone’s fantasy football league like “Okay we’ve got this person from here and that person from there” it was such a mismatch, but incredible. It also felt like such an honor to compete against these incredible queens. The thing is, I hadn’t watched many of the international franchises, but what I did know is that basically, everyone is a finalist. I knew the standards would be through the roof, so so high.
MC: Part of the success can be attributed to you, as you are truly the unofficial confessional queen of the season!
KSC: I’m just a gobby cow I cant get away from it, there’s no two ways about it (laughs). I’ve got so many things to say about everything don’t I? It’s so funny. I would be watching the episodes as they came out and I would be thinking something and then I would look up and I’d be saying the exact same thing! We filmed literally a year ago and it’s so funny that I am thinking literally the same things a year on.
MC: What do you think your rose and thorn are of your whole Global All Stars experience is?
KSC: For me personally, winning Snatch Game was such a moment. It’s one of those moments when you watch Drag Race and as a viewer, Snatch Game was always my favorite challenge and I came so close to winning it on my season of Drag Race UK. It was that one thing then, I wish I had won Snatch Game, I was in the top but I didn’t quite do it.This time I remember I was like “I need to be fearless and balls to the wall and do whatever it takes to make sure I win”.
Also my redemption moment winning Girl Groups was such a goal, I love my girl groups. To win girl groups was just incredible on Global All Stars. The thorn, being in the bottom who knew? That was not on my bingo card for Global All Stars! You know what, it sounds so cliche everyone always says it, but it really did light a fire under me to kick me into gear. This is not an easy ride; that standard is so high and if I want to be here, I really do need to be the best of the best!
MC: There seemed to be an audible gasp when you were in the bottom, it was definitely not something everyone expected to see!
KSC: And also, against Vanity! Here’s the thing, I know people dont think the UK girls lip sync, we lip sync. I don’t sing on a mic, I stand with a mic and I hurl insults around, that is not my bread and butter. You know what though, I will put on a show, Yes my death drops are crunchy but they also are, hilarious-so you’re welcome (laughs)!
MC: Do you think that your Drag Race UK experience actually trained you for Global All Stars?
KSC: Totally. I remember my biggest takeaway from doing Drag Race UK was that I had fun and I enjoyed everything that I did. Every challenge I remember going into it and saying “Just have fun”. So my overall experience was that i just had the best time. Going into Global All Stars, it was like I went in the first time and just had fun and a laugh with it, so that is what I am going to do this time and hope that lightning strikes twice; and it did!
MC: What comes next for you? Your runs on Drag Race UK and Global All Stars have been nothing short of outstanding, so you are most likely holding yourself to a high standard in terms of what you do next correct?
KSC: Totally! The thing is, I speak to people and they ask if I compare myself to other people and I don’t think that’s helpful. I think of everyone, you are in your own lane. As natural and human as it is to compare yourself to other people, I think it’s such a negative thing to do. The grass is always going to be greener on the other side, and if you stay in your own lane and think “I am killing it, I’m smashing it, I’m doing all of these things that I never thought I would get the chance to do”…
The fact that I am doing them is the biggest honor. Whatever comes is the biggest bonus and privilege; eyes on the prize. Keep focused; it’s your own journey. I don’t think you can compare yourself to anyone else. The sky is the limit. Global Domination with our without a crown.
MC: Is there a piece of advice that you took into Global All Stars that truly helped you throughout the competition?
KSC: The same piece of advice that Cheryl gave me for RuPaul’s Drag Race UK. She said to me you need to treat every day like you know you are going to go home the next day. So you need to just say “Fuck it” and do whatever, because you know you’re going to go home; it doesn’t matter. Who cares if you look like an idiot, you just need to go and do it. I remember thinking the first time in my head and something clicked and I realized that it was so true.
If you’re just having a laugh and being unashamedly yourself and not worrying about what the cameras or the audience are going to think, if you are just there for you and having a good time, you are onto a winner; it’s all a laugh. The world is such a scary place right now and people are out there saving lives and doing brain surgery. We’re just cross dressing on the telly and that is iconic.
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