Coming all the way from the Auckland New Zealand drag scene, Lucina Innocence brought the sultry and the sensual to this season of Drag Race Down Under. While she has departed the competition, this statuesque performer has a strong pride for the cast that she as a part of and a keen sense of what she might do differently. I sat down to dish with Lucina about her Drag Race Down Under experience, the scene in New Zealand that she comes from, and the Drag Race alumni that gave her some sound advice.
Michael Cook: Your final lip sync on this season of Drag Race Down Under was arguably one of the most emotional lip syncs we have seen on the franchise yet. How was it for you?
Lucina Innocence: Well it definitely felt like one didn’t it?
MC: Tell me about your Drag Race Down Under experience..
LI: I think now I can look back on it and I am still so so grateful and happy that I got to be a part of it. It was a bit of a struggle though, as we all could tell…
MC: From your perspective, what do you think challenged you the most and offered the most struggle?
LI: I think it was just being in the bottom that first episode,I didn’t expect that. I think it just threw me off and I got in my head a lot and I struggled to bounce back from that.
MC: Consistently, getting in your head is a pitfall on Drag Race that people consistently try to avoid to mixed results.
LI: Yes! Tale as old as time. You got into it thinking that you have it under control and then you start spiraling. I thought that I could pull myself out, don’t doubt yourself and all that. Even just initially walking into the Werk Room from the get go, we all could see that it was a very strong cast which I don’t think many of us were expecting. No shade to my Season 3 sisters, but after Season 3 there was a variety of talents in different areas, where in our cast everyone was kind of good at everything. It made for a great competition and it was good to watch, but when you’re there it’s like “Ahhh”!
MC: What do you think it is collectively about this cast that has made such great television this season?
LI: I think it’s just that we all really got along and we all really wanted to support and uplift each other. We all had shady moments, but it was all done with love. We were all just on the same pagee, wanted to have a good time and make a great show. The result is all that we could have hoped for!
MC: What do you think your rose and thorn are from your Drag Race Down Under journey?
LI: I would say my rose is being safe on Snatch Game. It’s not the craziest achievement but I think that everyone is a little bit terrified going into Snatch Game, it’s such a renowned challenge! I think my thorn would be getting in my own way and not doing as well as I had hoped overall.
MC: What is the drag like from Auckland, New Zealand where you are from?
LI: The drag scene is definitely quite small there, it is not as big and does not have as much going on as in other parts of the world. There is such a huge variety of drag styles and good energy and a lot of talent. I feel like people who have not seen Down Under wouldn’t expect that, but I am so thrilled that we have a platform to showcase it now.
MC: So it sounds like the New Zealand drag scene where you are from might be a lot more varied than people give it credit for..
LI: For sure, we lead with more humor, we always like to have a laugh. We may not be raking in as many coins as American queens, tipping is not a thing here. Maybe if you’re lucky, someone will be really nice and hand you a ten dollar bill!
MC: What do you want to do with the platform that you have now post Drag Race Down Under?
LI: I want to keep doing shows and travel around. Maybe make some music of my own…At a lot of my shows I sing live and play piano, a lot of things that don’t involve dancing (laughs)!
MC: Did you get any advice pre Drag Race that you are going to use in your life post Drag Race?
LI: Yuri and Flor are two of my close friends and I spoke with them and they both said to just “Be yourself and do you”. It might sound generic, but when you put those words into motion you can be unstoppable!
Follow Lucina Innocence on Instagram