We are back for another episode of our favorite show, RuPaul’s Drag Race, and this week, the queens would be making music videos based off iconic moments in the franchise’s history. More on that later.
First, we have to get into the current drama on the show. Lucky Starzzz had just been eliminated, and a lot of queens were upset about her departure. Susie Toot, Lexi Love, and Arrittey all cried over her exit. Joella was slightly offended. Sam Star got to celebrate her win for a minute. That was about it for the opening.
You know what time it was, a new day in the workroom. Sitting around the table, the queens started doing impressions of one another. Kori King did a great Sam Star, while Jewels Sparkles poked fun at Hormona Lisa’s anger towards Lexi following getting turned in for using her own materials.
RuPaul came in and shared the challenge for the week. They would be making commercials for two compilation CDs, Bitch, I’m a Drag Queen volumes one and two, that feature songs inspired by iconic moments in Drag Race herstory. The queens would be working in groups and pairs according to which CD and scene they were given.
It was time for the queens to listen to the songs based on their moments. Lydia B. Collins and Lana Ja’Rae were surprised to hear the song for their moment, the iconic argument between Morgan McMichaels and Mystique Summers Madison, was a country tune. Sam was worried about being paired with Acacia Forgot for a big fight scene.
The queens then went to shoot their commercials. It started out strong with the tumbleweeds not working for Lana and Arrietty’s scene, so Crystal Envy became the tumbleweed in an amazing moment as she rolled in the background. It was fun to watch the queens direct one another for this challenge! There was no Michelle Visage or hilarious Ross Mathews to guide them.
Susie’s scene was so good. I loved watching her in her element. The volume two group did pretty well overall, but the group were not thrilled with Kori’s performance.
Everyone was feeling good as they started getting in drag for the runway. No one thought they were going home. However, we quickly had a change when Lexi opened up about how she started doing drag to survive after being kicked out of her family’s home for having a boyfriend. She lived with a chosen family in an abandoned home. It was a heartbreaking story.
On the runway, Ru was joined by Michelle, Carson Kressley, and Julia Schlaepfer. The category was quilted… for your pleasure. My favorite looks of the night were Lexi, Susie, Crystal, Acacia, who made her outfit out of quilts made by her mom, and Onya Nurve’s beautiful African quilt piece! However, we need to mention that Joella’s outfit was one of the most absurd looks ever featured on the main stage, Wild, right? So bad it’s good?
Then their commercials debuted! Volume one was great, and I thought Crystal stole the show both with her rolling background performance and her actual song. Volume two’s performance was also really strong. I loved Susie and Onya’s performances, and of course anything Lexi does I will praise.
It was time for the judges critiques. The top three for the week were Crystal, Susie, and Onya, while Arrietty, Joella, and Kori fell into the bottom three. Onya snagged the win, while Joella and Kori fell into the bottom two.
The two faced off to Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls. It started off with Joella trying to make it seem like the RuPaul image on the back of her outfit was performing, but it didn’t read well. She also didn’t know any of the lyrics to Snoop Dogg’s first. On top of it all, Kori just did a really good job. It was no surprise that she was told to shantaya.
Joella got one last chance to get back into the competition thanks to, you guessed it, the badonka dunk tank. She did not save herself and was eliminated.
What did we think of the episode, y’all? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments!