Haley Van Horn

One small brushfire away from completing the Serial Killer Triad, Haley is a hell-raising college student and sports journalist. Calling the suburbs of the gayest city in America home, she's sure to bring it to you every ball.
349 Articles

RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars: “Grande Finale Variety Extravaganza: Part 2” (S09 E11)

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 9 has come to a close! Even the cast were sad to have it end,…

6 Min Read

The Week In Drag (07/27/24)

The drag world is moving a mile a minute these days! If you’re worried you might have missed some of…

3 Min Read

RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars: “Grande FinaleVariety Extravaganza: Part 1” (S09 E11)

After a busy weekend at RuPaul’s DragCon, I could relate to the All-Stars queens returning to the workroom chanting, “we…

3 Min Read

Pandora Boxx Talks Her New Album, “BOXX”!

We sat down with the legendary Pandora Boxx, star of RuPaul’s Drag Race season 2, and All-Stars seasons 1 and…

9 Min Read

RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars: “Lip-Sync Lalaparuza Smackdown” (S09 E10)

The queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars returned to the workroom following a badge shakeup! The extra badges that went…

5 Min Read

RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars: “Rosemarie’s Baby Shower” (S09 E08)

The queens returned to the work room after Roxxxy Andrews won her 4th badge and snipped Angeria Paris VanMichaels for…

4 Min Read

RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars: “Make Your Own Kind of Rusic” (S09 E08)

The queens were back in the workroom after Angeria Paris VanMichaels won her third challenge! Of course, they got right…

5 Min Read

The Week In Drag (06/21/24)

The drag world is moving a mile a minute these days! If you’re worried you might have missed some of…

3 Min Read

RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars: “Meeting in the Ladies Room” (S09 E07)

The queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars returned to the workroom after Angeria Paris VanMichaels cut off Roxxxy Andrews. These…

5 Min Read

The Week In Drag (06/21/24)

The drag world is moving a mile a minute these days! If you’re worried you might have missed some of…

4 Min Read

RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars: “The National Drag Convention Roast” (S09 E06)

The queens returned to the workroom after last week’s episode and there was instant drama! Roxxxy Andrews struggled with having…

4 Min Read

RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars: “Property Queens” (S09 E05)

The queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars were back and there was some drama! Let’s get right into it. Roxxxy…

5 Min Read
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