Katya Kukureko

Katya resides in Moscow, Russia and is probably the most loveable fag hag and drag enthusiast in her country. She was raised by gays and taught how to be a real woman by drag queens. her way to one. She’s your typical girly girl, but can also easily beat you in a game of Counter Strike, fix a gadget or change a tire.
10 Articles

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Ep 12)

After last weeks Best Friend Race Untucked, I was expecting this to be a fluffy last Untucked with well-wishing and…

3 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Ep 10)

So apparently I’m being punished for city-dropping last week, so this week’s Retucked is brought to you from the glamorous…

3 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Special Double Episode Edition)

First of all I have to apologize for this ridiculous two week recap delay! I’ve been looking forward for this…

5 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Wk 7)

Violet and Pearl head backstage. It’s nice to see them both loosen it up a little, having a laugh and…

2 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Wk 6)

We start Untucked with only Katya, Kennedy and Ginger in the room. And for the first time in 6 episodes…

3 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Wk 5)

Untucked starts with Pearl and Max rejoicing over their victory, which is ruined by Pearl spilling Jaidynn's drink (which is…

4 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Wk 4)

I owe you guys an apology for the super-belated recap! I won’t start complaining about how this season isn’t doing…

3 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Ep3)

Team Max looked like they were just glad to be safe so you’d think the episode would have a slow…

3 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Ep2)

In this (again, very belated) recap: Pearl who really cares, the fake-nice Ginger Minj and a PSA from Sasha.  …

6 Min Read

Retucked: The Untucked Recap (Ep1)

I have to be honest, for the past few seasons, I might have enjoyed Untucked more than the actual Drag…

6 Min Read
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