Well hello there Vicki St. James! I am so excited to be talking with you this evening. How is spring…
Well hello there Sunny Dee-Lite! I am flabbergasted to be talking with literal drag royalty today, the reigning Miss Continental…
Well hello there Vicky DeVille! How are you doing on this horribly cold and windy New York City evening? I’m…
Well hello there Logan Hardcore! How are you doing this lovely late summer day? I am doing well! Thank you…
Well hello there Brandi Amara Skyy! How are you doing this fine, albeit humid, summer evening? I hear Texas has…
Well hello there AuDrey Phoenix! Congratulations on your shiny new crown! Have you taken it off yet since Sunday night?…
Hi there Bella Noche! I'm happy to sit down and talk with New York's resident mermaid queen! How are you…
Hello there Eva Young! I'm super excited to be talking with one of the Windy City's brightest young drag stars!…
Hi there Remy Germinario! I'm so glad we're finally getting to sit down and talk. I first mentioned this interview…
Hi there Jolina Jasmine! Happy New Year! How are you gurl? Hello! I'm doing very well. Thank you for asking!…
Hi there Daisy! Our schedules have finally matched up and we have some time to kiki! Yaaaasss! So excited! Love…
Hi there Doris! I am very excited to be sitting down with "The Perfect American Housewife" although I think you…
Welcome home Athena! Have you recovered from the jet lag after spending the summer abroad? Thank You so much !…