After ten weeks within the fallout shelter, Sidney and Spencer are finally able to return home. Suffering through starvation…
Nine weeks into their residence within the fallout shelter, Sidney and Spencer are now trying to do whatever they…
Eight weeks into their residence within the fallout shelter, Sidney and Spencer are starting to feel beaten. After a…
Six weeks into their residence within the fallout shelter, Sidney and Spencer were finally being given a chance to…
Five weeks into their residence within the fallout shelter, Sidney and Spencer are starting to become accustomed to their…
Four weeks into their residence within the fallout shelter, Sidney and Spencer are starting to develop supernatural powers. Now…
Now three weeks into their residence in the fallout shelter, Sidney and Spencer are starting to get a little…
It's now been 8 days since Sidney and Spencer became trapped in their fall-out shelter. After a very successful…
Previously on WERRRK. com's American Horror Story: *Sidney starts the Roanoke season, quickly calls Chiffon* "And if you think I am…