Hi there Bella Noche! I'm happy to sit down and talk with New York's resident mermaid queen! How are you…
Well hello there Heidi Haux! How are you doing today my dear? Absolutely fabulous, Chiffon. It’s always nice to have…
Shade: Queens of NYC shared the heartwarming finale of Paige Turner's So You Think You Can Drag in this week's episode. After eight…
Fusion's docuseries Shade: Queens of NYC came back with a vengeance this week! The main storyline focused on the much anticipated…
Good morning Jackie! How are you my dear? Congratulations on your big So You Think You Can Drag Season 8 All…
This past Thursday night in the heart of Manhattan, six amazing drag performers returned to the scene of prior glory…
This past Thursday night in the heart of Manhattan, eight amazing drag performers returned to the scene of prior glory…
This past Thursday night in the heart of Manhattan, nine amazing drag performers returned to the scene of prior glory…
This past Thursday night in the heart of Manhattan, ten amazing drag performers returned to the scene of prior glory…
Hi there Gloria! It's good to talk with you again. The last time we sat down to chat…
Hi there Gina Tonic! How are you enjoying this unseasonably warm and/or unseasonably cold weather? I have to…
Chiffon Dior: Hi there Vicky! How are you my dear? Congratulations on your big season 7 win! Vicky Boofont: Thank…
You love Instagram. We love Instagram. Drag Queens love Instagram. So we figured, why not combine the three as “The…
Welcome back to #THEWEEKINDRAG! This week I'll be covering the launch of Miss WERRRK.com 2016, Instagram censorship, So You Think…
Question: Condragulations on making the top four of So You Think You Can Drag! Especially with the level of talent…
Question: Condragulations on making the top four of So You Think You Can Drag! Especially with the level of talent…