Four months after the casting call for the Miss Bio-WERRRK online drag pageant went out, we have arrived at the grand finale! We are here to crown a very deserving winner from a field of eight amazing bioqueens and even more important eight wonderful human beings that we were lucky enough to have them share a bit of themselves with us. We were incredibly fortunate to have the wonderful queens that we got, as they brought our first year pageant to extremely high level of competition right out of the chute and conducted themselves with class and grace. For that, were are extremely grateful and look forward to them being a part of the family for years to come as they continue to grow in their careers.
Before we announce the winner in the video below, I would just like to take a moment to recognize the contributions of our gorgeous hostess for this evening, our Senior Creative Director, Poppy Fields! While she thanks all the people who made this pageant possible in the video, we would we be remiss if we didn’t take a moment to recognize everything she did to make this pageant a success. Thank you so much my dear! In addition, we also have to recognize the efforts of our first ever pageant winner, Boxxa Vine for helping us present the categories throughout the pageant! Also I would like to thank artist Steve Franco for our wonderful pageant logo!
We have make you wait so long so we are just going to get down to it! The winner of the first ever Miss Bio-WERRRK online drag pageant is……….
Well….maybe just a little bit longer of a wait!
Ladies and Gentlemen! The evening is over. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves and we’ll see you all again in 2017. Good evening!