On Monday Night, Philadelphia and Washington DC clashed on the field as they engaged in their form of combat for four quarters. As action built in the game, Marvel treated us to the second official trailer for their next film, Captain Marvel.
For many, this has been highly anticipated. The last trailer gave us some really intriguing glimpses into not only the past (based on the 90’s timeline), but also gave many of us hope for the future of the Marvel Universe.
As this trailer opens up, Nick Fury‘s voice slowly begins to tell the the audience what we need to know. We see our heroine Carol Danvers quickly jump into action against a less than expected adversary who lunges for her. Fury; in a calm, precise and in a very simplistic way in the first thirty seconds brings us up to speed. We learn Skrulls are bad, Kree is good. Oh, and that ass that just got kicked belonged to a Skrull.
The rest of the trailer is also told somewhat through narration as we see montages of different aspects of her life. They explain visually and audibly that the woman we see on this screen was once a human. She lived her life on earth with more than her fair share of adventures. The montage shows bumps and bruises we all had jumping bikes, doing skateboard tricks, and other endangerment we put ourselves in.
We see and hear she was near death in her human life when the Kree found her. While we aren’t sure exactly why the Kree chose Carol, it’s clear they saw something with her as we see a glimpse of the transfusion of Kree blood into her body. We are told this will allow her to live longer, be stronger, superior…she is reborn into something new. Something incredible. This seems to be the first step in Carol Danvers transitioning to what we will eventually know as Captain Marvel.

Flashbacks continue as we see Carol in those aspects of her human life, working side by side with Nick Fury to maybe make sense of this. We begin to see and hear ominous people and voices. We know Skrull are here, and I’m guessing the Kree are going to want their investment in Carol back as well. A defiant Carol at one point said she will not fight the war they want her to, but, she will instead end it. That is powerful, and I believe her!
We get glimpses of the Kree suit and the more well known blue\ red\ gold imagery. We get an expanded look at her powers and abilities. Captain Marvel didn’t come to play.

We are open to a whole past world of possibilities. Think of SHIELD, think of a younger Nick Fury still figuring things out. Maybe we see some other younger faces as well. Imagine a young Phil Coulson trying to figure things out. I like the possibility of that, I look forward to seeing where some of the things we’ve come to know have come from. I don’t know how expansive they will make the 90’s environment but the possibilities are almost endless.
Ultimately, I am extremely excited for March 7th as the Marvel Cinematic Universe takes a whole new turn. We head to the past and we gain hope for the future. So what did you think and what do you look forward to? Besides Sam Jackson forming a bond with a cat names Goose. I knew he was a cat guy. Oh god, wait……does Goose take his eye?!?