It’s the final day of the season for Canada’s Drag Race, and our top four are back after we said an emotional farewell to Vivian Vanderpuss, the girl’s all wishes her well. We cut to a wonderful montage of the best bits from the top four, and they’ve all had quite the journey. It’s a very close top four, the infamous track record talk arrives and this track record is incredibly close and similar to season 2 I do not know what way it can go. Obviously part of doing rucaps is to be unbiased and root for everyone, which I am, any one of these queens is incredibly worthy of winning.
So let’s get started on the last mini-challenge, similar to the old days of the tik-tac lunch the queens get to sit and talk around some tea about their time on the show. However, we get a special guest to join them, season two winner Icesis Couture. It was so sweet seeing Kimmy Couture reunite with her drag mother, it was an emotional talk and showed strength in the power this show can give to the girls involved. Their photoshoot for me was stunning, drag families unite and support one another.
Rehearsals for the recording of ‘True North Strong and Fierce’ begins, and with past season finale songs, we have an idea of how they end up sounding lyrical-wise. 80% of these songs will feature “give me the crown/snatch the crown/mug beat/looking fierce.” Delete applicable, but this time most of the queens steer clear and create some really catchy and fun bridges. Giselle Lullably explains how she’ll be singing some of her lyrics in french (she may have mentioned she’s french one or two times) and her rhyming and delivery are fun and catchy. Jada Shada blows them all the water with her vocal range, I loved the way she delivered her lyrics. The editing on her struggling with purring was genius, is it pur or purrrrrr?
We meet Hollywood Jade again for another grueling choreography session, I give so much respect to these queens. They must be so tired by this point and yet are thrown dance moves so quickly and at such a speed. Miss Fiercalicious does great, although, of course, she does say it’s what she does best. Leading the other to be extra scrutinizing of her work, if it was me I would say that was my weakness to throw everyone off, and then surprise everyone.
It’s our last mirror chat, and it really is a mirror reflection. Reflecting back on their highs and lows they all discuss what they’ve learned. This I love, it’s good to acknowledge strengths and weaknesses and Miss F talks about her growth in listening to feedback. Kimmy said it was seeing Giselle in the bottom, this moment took me back to season 5 when Roxxxy Andrews said the same thing to Jinkx Monsoon.
Are you north strong and proud? Then get ready to sing along to season 3’s track, I loved the song, I loved the delivery of each queen. The chorus with Brooke Lynn Hytes vocals works well, it’s a fun club number for sure. However and I don’t mean this in a shady way, but the neon looks transported me back to season 8, and the episode of ‘New Wave Queens’ and those drag geometry outfits (anyone else?) Of course, overall it was fun and a fantastic way to end the last challenge.
This leads us nicely to our finale runway, which is ‘Coronation Eleganza.’ and oh my goodness these queens met the assignment. They all shone, dazzled, sparkled, and dominated that runway, this season has seen some incredibly strong looks this season.
We finally get to see the photos the queens took earlier with Icesis, and they all look gorgeous. Kimmy and Giselle are so far apart in terms of pose and style, which for me cements them as the top two. The judges’ critiques are more of a celebration and praise of what has been showcased to them and us as an audience. Untucked sees some familiar faces back in the room and it’s a love fest, queens declaring love to each other and reflecting on their time on the show.
The time comes to see the cast back on the runway along with last season’s winner Icesis, and one thing the winners love to do is show the audience a coronation outfit. This is stunning, creative, and expensive, just like Priyanka both showed just why they were the winners.
So it comes down to the final lipsync of the season, and I must admit I always find them a bit pointless. As we all love to talk about track records, and that’s what the show highlights. As seen with All-Stars winners season, it came down to the final lip sync in which we saw that it didn’t really matter.
*Spoiler* *Drumroll……* and the winner of Canada’s Drag Race season 3 is Giselle Lullaby! I think we can all agree that it was a really tight top-four. So anyone was deserving of the crown, but I’m very happy with the result, she was consistently talented and funny. So there we go another fantastic season down, what did we think of the winner?